Book quality non-emergency transport effortlessly.

Book quality non-emergency transport effortlessly.

Book quality non-emergency transport effortlessly.

Effortless booking and secure payment for your transport needs

Effortless booking and secure payment for your transport needs

Community Cozy Transport offers you a seamless booking and payment experience, ensuring you reach your destination stress-free.

Community Cozy Transport offers you a seamless booking and payment experience, ensuring you reach your destination stress-free.

Various services catered to your unique transportation needs

From medical appointments to wheelchair transport, we provide tailored transport solutions to suit your requirements.

From medical appointments to wheelchair transport, we provide tailored transport solutions to suit your requirements.

Book now

Book now

Book now

Don’t waste any more time! Secure your spot and let us take care of your non-emergency medical transport needs.

Don’t waste any more time! Secure your spot and let us take care of your non-emergency medical transport needs.

Medical Appointments





Wait time


Wheelchair Services





Wait time


Custom Service







Common Questions

Common Questions

Common Questions

How do I book a ride?

Simply fill out our booking form and choose your desired service, enter your details and await confirmation.

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept credit/debit cards, PayPal, and other online payment options.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, we do! Please contact us to discuss your insurance coverage and billing information.

What is the refund policy?

Please refer to our cancellation and refund policy available on our website for detailed information.

© Community Cozy Transport 2023

Generated on August 1, 2023